Sunday, October 11, 2009

Complete victory?

That was one boring football game, for really only one reason: The Vikes completely stomped them. As they should have.

The offense was humming. AD got his two touchdowns on only fifteen carries, gaining 69 yards on the ground (4.6 yds/carry, very good but not dominant. Brett Favre got his as well, throwing for a couple hundred yards, keeping drives moving while increasing his lead on the all-time lists: touchdowns and interceptions. The touchdown was about as easy as you can get. Shiancoe got past the coverage, and there was not a safety in sight. The interception was about as bad as you could get. Brett leaked out of the pocket, under pressure, and Brett Favre does not throw balls away. He instead throws them into quadruple coverage, without a passing lane, unless you count the space between James Laurinaitis' hands as a "lane." The first real bad interception of the year for his man Brett, but he seemed to learn from it, not by throwing it away, but avoiding throws into double-plus coverage.

Brett put the defense in a bind with his hubris, but the D was up to the task. The Rams got a field goal, but they started in long field goal range anyway. The Rams put together several long drives against the Vikings, gaining the red zone four times, and gaining Vikings territory at least twice more. Yet all times except one, the Rams gave the Vikings the ball back with unforced fumbles, interceptions, or turnovers on downs. It was a similar pattern to last week's Monday Night Football game, where the opposing offense would gain plenty of yards, but not cash in on what should have been scoring drives by giving the ball away. It's an effective way to keep points off the board, but I don't believe that those big plays will keep happening for the Vikings. They're going to have to start forcing more 3-and-outs, and avoiding the big pass plays that have come mostly on screens and to tight ends. The offense is really clicking right now, along with the big play ability of the defense. The defense just needs to be consistent and explosive. The offense won't move the ball so easily every game, and the defense won't always negate the opponent's chances right before they score.

All in all, there isn't much room for complaint, as the Vikings easily took care of a terrible opponent. For some reason, it still doesn't feel like the Vikes have been tested yet. San Fran just got blown out by Atlanta, and Green Bay still threw for 380+ yards. Until the Vikings D completely dominates and shuts down a decent opponent, I won't be satisfied, and neither should they. They have the personnel to do it, now they just need to execute and start covering opposing tight ends and receivers more consistently. Baltimore will be a good test, and Todd Heap better not have a good game.

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